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Front-end Developer in UK

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Cassette project
quilt project
Portuguese Water dog portfolio project

Inspiring Girls' Minds

Born and raised in Brazil, working in Education in UK, I have a deep-rooted connection to the country and a burning desire to make a positive impact on the lives of Brazilian children. As a developing nation, Brazil faces unique challenges, including high school dropout rates and limited access to quality education. It is within this context that I am determined to spark a love for coding among Brazilian kids and provide them with the tools to shape their futures.

As I set out on my mission to empower Brazilian children through coding education, I am acutely aware of the persistent gender gap in the field. Despite the long-standing perception of coding as a male-dominated domain, visionaries like Dr. Grace Hopper have highlighted that women possess innate talents for programming. Dr. Hopper once compared programming to planning a dinner, recognizing that women excel in logical thinking and attention to detail. It is with this understanding that I am committed to creating content that speaks directly to the passions and interests of Brazilian girls.

By embracing a diverse range of perspectives and challenging stereotypes, I aim to develop content that resonates with the natural abilities and interests of girls. Through captivating storytelling, creative projects, and collaborations that blend coding with art, music, and social impact, I strive to ignite a spark of curiosity and provide girls with a pathway to explore their own potential in the world of technology. Through targeted content that reflects the wisdom of pioneers like Dr. Grace Hopper, I aspire to empower Brazilian girls to see coding as a tool for self-expression, problem-solving, and creating positive change. By providing access to inspiring role models and cultivating an inclusive environment, we can bridge the gender gap and nurture a generation of confident female coders who will shape the future of Brazil's digital landscape.

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© 2023 Coded by Váleri Calhau.